Go digital or go home! Things to do when going digital.

Things to do when going digital

We are living in the digital age and the need for a digital presence is no longer a concern for the future, it has become a present reality. While digitalization creates new opportunities for business owners and entrepreneurs, it also poses so many challenges and risks for traditional businesses. Businesses that want to stay competitive must in effect GO DIGITAL OR GO HOME! With that said, let’s talk about what you need to do to take your business online.

  1.  Start with overall mission and business objectives

It’s definitely tempting and exciting to begin the conversation with a discussion of the technology and the platforms to use when going digital, to this we say DO NOT! Instead, start with the bigger picture that is your overall mission and objectives, ask yourself these questions;

“What is the mission of your company?”

“How can a digital product or platform further that mission?”,

“What elements of the business model are at risk in the new digital economy, and how can they be recreated or adjusted?”

“How can the successes of your business model be strengthened by going digital?”

 After answering these vital questions, set clear goals and objectives and come up with a digital strategy.

  1. Create a roadmap

It is of utmost importance to avoid planning too much. Digital transformation often creates a lot of change in a business. It is important to manage this change in stages for the best chance of success. Create a road map with your business goals and priorities in mind. Decide on the platforms and tools you would like to use to take your business digital. Work out how much money will be spent on different digital tools. You do not have to initially spend an arm or leg on the digital tools you will use. There are low-cost tools that can improve your processes and save you time (These will be discussed in due time). Make sure you explore your options. Remember these tools should align with the goals and objectives that you have set for your digital strategy and these should in turn align with your business objectives ALWAYS!

  1. Build The Right Team

One of the most important elements of a successful organization is the staff team. You need the right people in the right roles! This still holds true for the success of your digital strategy. It is crucial to select the right people for the job and equip them with the relevant skills and tools. Here competency and consistency is crucial in building a digital footprint.

  1.   Implement, Analyze and Adjust

The quality of implementation plays a significant part in bringing about the desired outcome. Now that you have mapped out your road map and have the right team and tools in place, it is important to bring the plans into reality and follow through on the plans. While following the plan is crucial, it is even more important to analyze and determine whether the approach you are taking is working. If it is, KUDOS! But if not, make the necessary adjustments and tweaks. Your digital strategy should not be set in stone, there should be room for adjustments and dare we say, IMPROVEMENTS!

Now that you know what to do when going digital with your business, keep an eye out for our next article on the terms you will come across when setting up a website in your endeavor to take your business online!


Precious E.C. Norumedzo

Precious E.C. Norumedzo

Experienced Digital Marketing Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunications industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Customer Service, Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing.